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Business Advice 业务咨询

Selling your Business?

Ensure you are well prepared, follow our check list
考虑出售你的生意? 请参考我们的简易步骤,轻松做好出售准备! 详情»

Buying a business?

Find one that really suits you, follow our guide
考虑购买生意? 搜寻一个真正适合你的行业及经营模式,查看我们的购买手册以获取更多有用资讯!详情»

Evaluating a business?

Try our experts
想知道你生意的市值? 和我们的专家谈谈!详情»


Control the sale of your business through Chinese Commercial.
Chinese Commercial helped to sell over 2000 businesses. List your business with us today and reach out to more prospective buyers. For limited time only, 1 month subscription will be free. There is no credit card detail required during this special offer.自宝盛华商成立以来,已有2000宗商企买卖通过我们的门户网站顺利成交。请填写以下表格,将你的企业添加到我们的网站列表,务求使更多潜在买家得悉你的商业信息。
To list your business for sell on our Website, please complete the details below. Please ensure your have good quality photo and details are accurate.在限期内提交你的出售信息,你更可获首月免广告费优惠。只需简单两个步骤, 我们便能帮你发布商业出售信息。
Step 1 - Complete the registration below with your business details. Please remember the information you provide here will go public. Choose carefully the information you wish to provide.1. 填写以下表格注册。填写时请切记,所有内容将会发布在出售商企页面。请谨慎填写。
Step 2 - You will be asked to register an online account. This is free, you can log back in anytime to view how many people have visited your ads and any inquiries your ad has received.2. 必须成为网站的注册用户才能发布商企出售信息。你可以随时登陆并查看发布信息的浏览人数及相关询问。

Before You Upload Your Business Detail, Please Login.

Are You Our Member? Register with Us to Stay Updated on Commercial Business Opportunities!


不是我们的用户? 请注册, 我们随时为您更新各类商机!

For further information, please contact us on 03 9830 7230
如需协助,请联系03 9830 7230。