Fishing Gear hire Shop 渔具租赁店 = (Tourism)

This listing has been viewed 1175 times

Large product range and 2professional staff. 6years trading history.Fishing Gear Sales and hire Shop. Strong business in hire section situation next to major fishing spot .


Address 地址: 1 Private St
City 城市: Bardia
State å·ž: NSW
Postcode 邮编: 1000
Country 国家: Sydney
Asking Price 叫价: 580000
Business Migration Ready 能用作投资移民申请: Yes
Year Founded 创建年份: 2009
Annual Net Profit 年净利润: $230,000
Status 状态: Active

Agent Info

Phone 电话: 215.850.0710 | Mobile 手机: 215.850.0710 | Fax 传真: 702.995.6591
Homepage 个人主页