市中心药店出售 井 (Medical)

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Drug store located at city special for VD with the healthly products. Highly protential profits and stable customers. 墨尔本市中心黄金口岸药店(维生素店),澳大利亚营养健康先锋,涵盖澳大利亚,纽西兰各大名牌保健品,世界著名护肤和健身品。(Swisse,Blackmores, Comvita, Wealthy Health等,高回报,客流量大,发展空间巨大。
Address 地址: 1 Private St
City 城市: Undisclosed
State å·ž: VIC
Postcode 邮编: 1000
Country 国家: Melbourne
Asking Price 叫价: 200000
Business Migration Ready 能用作投资移民申请: Yes
Year Founded 创建年份: 2000
Status 状态: Active
Mobile 手机: 0430810283

Agent Info

Phone 电话: 215.850.0710 | Mobile 手机: 215.850.0710 | Fax 传真: 702.995.6591
Homepage 个人主页http://chineseproperties.com.au