亚洲超市出售 井 (Groceries/Asian Grocer)

This listing has been viewed 1157 times

New established Asian Supermarket with good decoration. Asians have been increased around the area with highly protential development. 东区全新亚洲超市,店面宽敞明亮,周边亚裔人口持续性增加,发展潜力巨大。东主另有发展,忍痛低价出让,也可承包经营
Address 地址: 1 Private St
City 城市: Undisclosed
State å·ž: VIC
Postcode 邮编: 1000
Country 国家: Melbourne
Asking Price 叫价: 2000000
Status 状态: Active
Mobile 手机: 0410314108

Agent Info

Phone 电话: 215.850.0710 | Mobile 手机: 215.850.0710 | Fax 传真: 702.995.6591
Homepage 个人主页http://chineseproperties.com.au